Which One Has A Better UI Design: iOS or Android?

Every app needs design to function properly. When someone opens an app, it is the first thing they see. Your app can stand out in the crowded app market with a strong design. Although Android and iOS each have their own distinct design language, there are still numerous parallels and contrasts in UI development. While Android apps tend to be more colorful and intricate, iOS apps are often developed with a more basic approach. They all approach the creation and design of apps in different ways. The two platforms get a comparison in this article. You should bear in mind when designing for either platform.

11/4/20234 min read

Buttons in an iOS vs. Android comparison

String capitalization and aesthetic style are the only differences in button design between UI design services. In material design, there are two different kinds of buttons: flat and raised. The majority of Material Design buttons also use uppercase text. Although iOS does use uppercase buttons on occasion, the content is often in title case. Numerous jobs benefit from the use of buttons. iPhone button edges are flat, and title case shading is nonexistent. In Android, uppercase characters cast a shadow over the buttons. On iOS, a floating action button is a call-to-action button and it is near a tab bar. In Android, it advertises the main activity that situates below the display.

Search Bars Comparison

Since Apple just added search buttons to its iMessage messaging program, it is clear how important it is for both systems to have search functionality. Searches might be displayed or hidden on Apple. The top tab frequently displays search icons. A search bar may not always be visible on the screen. Click on cancel, then Clear to get rid of a search. There are several hidden questions at the top of the screen even though Android doesn't have any hidden questions. Simply click the '' logo to end a search for a certain keyword. According to what Apple did, this search will get erasure.

Android vs. OS: Typography

Apple has long preferred Helvetica Neue, but in 2015 it made a radical switch and switched to San Francisco, which is more space-efficient and ideal for mobile devices, desktop computers, and iOS Watch. Roboto has long been the default system typeface for Android.

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Furthermore, Google has no immediate intentions to alter this cherished component. The basic sizes of both texts are comparable, however, the layout and font sizes between iOS and Android's material designs are very different. Android employs more white space between texts, whereas iOS mostly uses strong type to establish the text hierarchy.

Alerts on iOS and Android

The dimensions for the flat button styles used by Android alerts are specified in the material design guidelines. At the bottom right of the alert are the action buttons. All capitals font is across the 'buttons,'. Hence, it makes it simpler for consumers to understand. The actions divide with dividers in iOS alerts. They mainly use sentences or title cases, and the different blocks give them structure. They position in the popup's middle and at its conclusion.


Cards are a collection of photos, text, movies, buttons, and comments available for iOS and Android. The cards on iOS are full-width, without a shadow, and have squared corners. In contrast, the cards are the best-designed apps on Android, including elements like gutters, shadows, and rounded edges.


It has been noted that iOS lacks a control that aesthetically resembles 'tabs.' It instructs you to utilize a segmented button in its place. Contrarily, as you can see in the Android versus iOS app design infographic, Android adopts a more 'flat design' approach for the same display.

Actions Menu

The appropriate content on the phone can be acted upon using the action menu option. You have the choice to archive, mark as unread, delete, and other options while examining messages, for instance. Any button that attempts to perform an action will open an action menu on iOS. The menu is accessible with the thumb as it slides up from the bottom. When you press and hold on the content or the element, the most recent iOS trend has a context menu that displays related actions. While the context menu is visible, the background is blurry. A three-dot icon for 'more options' in Android, opens the menu. This icon is typically seen on the right side of the content. The choice appears with a small pop-up box.

To Sum Up

To get you started in product creation, we addressed all the fundamental variations. All the distinctions between the UI of iOS and Android applications we found will be useful to you. It is true especially when creating an iOS or Android mobile application. Besides, stay up to date with any changes in the guidelines. The choice between iOS and Android depends on the product we must provide to our clients. Check our company if you need UI design and development.